Summer Consultants Awarded GSA NCR Contract

Summer Consultants was awarded an IDIQ contract by the General Services Administration (GSA) National Capital Region (NCR) to provide engineering and architectural services for repair and alteration projects in the metropolitan Washington, DC area. Projects may include site investigations, pre-design and existing conditions studies, programming, and design of renovation and alteration projects.
“We have completed over 600 individual projects for GSA, including projects at many of the facilities located in the NCR. We are excited and fortunate to continue our long tradition of working with GSA to renovate and modernize government facilities,” said Jim Hoffman, PE, LEED AP O+M, CEM, President of Summer Consultants.
Summer Consultants’ work with GSA NCR includes projects at Blair House, E. Barrett Prettyman Courthouse, Robert Weaver Federal Building, and the New Executive Office Building. The HVAC improvements project at the US Tax Court (pictured) received a 2017 ACEC Engineering Excellence National Recognition Award and 2016 ASHRAE Technology Award.