Summer Consultants Announces New Shareholder

Summer Consultants, Inc. is pleased to announce the addition of Suzy Schuck to the firm’s ownership as a new shareholder. Ms. Schuck is the marketing manager for the firm.
“Upon joining the firm, Suzy immediately made an impact, not only growing our marketing capabilities, but also serving as a valued resource to our staff, clients, and contractors, stated James Hoffman, PE, LEED AP O+M, CEM, President of Summer Consultants. “We are excited to welcome her as a shareholder and member of the ownership team.”
Suzy Schuck is a versatile marketing professional known for her ability to tell a story and attention to detail. With a background of more than 25 years of experience in the A/E/C industry, she has honed her skills with diverse projects including proposal writing, event planning, public relations, direct mail campaigns, website maintenance, and firm branding. She currently leads Summer Consultants marketing activities, working with staff, clients, and consultants to build new relationships and find opportunities for the firm to exceed expectations.
Summer Consultants, Inc. is a small business specializing in the provision of mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection, and communication engineering and commissioning services for the renovation and new construction of government, higher educational, laboratory, and historic facilities. Headquartered in McLean, VA, the firm also has includes regional offices in Greenbelt, MD; Norfolk, VA; Philadelphia, PA; and Raleigh, NC. Clients include the General Services Administration, U.S. Navy, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, National Institutes of Standards and Technology, and the National Institutes of Health.