SAME USMC Engineering & Construction Camp

The Raleigh Office volunteered at the 6th annual SAME USMC Engineering & Construction Camp at Camp Lejeune on June 22nd. The week-long camp hosted 50 high school students planning on studying engineering in college. The campers lived, ate, played, worked, and competed as squads of 10. They experienced life on a military base by sleeping in barracks, eating in galleys, and participating in morning physical training under the supervision of uniformed service members and STEM professionals.
The campers gained hands-on engineering and construction experience and were given opportunities to talk to both military and civilian professionals in the engineering field. They designed and constructed a concrete beam, trebuchet, cardboard canoe, and storm water management device. At the end of the camp each year, an outstanding camper is awarded a scholarship to aid them in the pursuit of higher education in engineering. Summer Consultants was thrilled to provide logistical assistance to support these motivated future engineers.