Did You Know? UFC Updates for Interior Electrical Systems
By Reagan Devine

Did you know there have been recent updates to the UFC 3-520-01 guidelines for interior electrical systems?
The new changes highlight the following:
- Surge Protective Devices (SPDs) can now be inside the panelboard.
- The surge counter must be visible and made by the same manufacturer as the panel.
- Conductor sizing now requires adjustments for ambient temperature and current-carrying conductors.
- Load imbalance must be shown for panels and other equipment, aiming for less than 5%, but deviations can be allowed, if explained.
If a trip plug is set below its max, due to National Electrical Code (NEC) requirements, it must be properly labeled and documented. The NEC has previously required this, however, it is now required per UFC, to be documented on the drawings.
Other changes include:
- The power for fire protection systems has been fully rewritten.
For more information visit the Whole Building Design Guide website at https://www.wbdg.org/dod/ufc/ufc-3-520-01